There is no doubt in my mind that the events of October of 1917 could be the most disasterous, tragic, and far reaching in history, and we're still deeply affected by them to this day. Historians have put the number that perished under the godless weights of communism as somewhere slighty south of one hundred million. ONE HUNDRED MILLION executed, starved to death, or worked to death via forced labor. And unlike the Nazis after WWII, there has yet to be a full accounting of the crimes of communists in the former Soviet Union or the former Eastern Bloc. Gerhardt Shroeder's Socialist Democratic Party, along with the Green Party, rule Germany at the moment. That they are allowing a memorial dedicated to those who perished attempting to gain freedom by crossing through the Berlin Wall to be razed is execrable, but hardly surprising. After all, Shroeder put a dyed-in-the-wool former (or maybe not former) communist/terrorist in the person of Joschka Fischer in charge of his foreign policy. You can read all about the destruction of Checkpoint Charlie here. And you can read all about Joschka Fischer's violent, communist past here.
Christian Gueffroy was the last person murdered attempting to escape East Berlin. He was killed in February, 1989. The meme echoed by many anti-Reaganites these days is that the wall was going to come down anyway, and Reagan's arms build-up and rhetoric did nothing to shorten it. Christian Gueffroy never got the memo. He was 21, born the same year as I was. The wall came down in November of 1989.
1,065 people died over three decades attempting to gain their freedom. The socialist German government, infiltrated as it is by former communists, doesn't even want you to remember there was a wall in the first place, much less that these people, like Christian Gueffroy, died trying to breach it.
Oh...and one more thing. Destruction of Checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin Wall memorial commences on July 4th. Coincidence?
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