Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jimmy Carter...Will Never Get It

Jimmy Carter, a man who never hesitated in kissing the ass of every communist despot from Bucharest to Havana, thinks the U.S. should shut down Gitmo. According to Carter, this would show that the U.S. adheres to human rights. This from a guy who spoke of Nicolae Ceaucescu thus: "Our goals are the same. ... We believe in enhancing human rights. We believe that we should enhance, as independent nations, the freedom of our own people."

At this point I'm fairly certain that all the hubbub about Gitmo is nothing more than disinformation from the far-left (who else?) and the Islamists themselves, both of whom are not above lying for the sake of undermining this current war against Islamo-terrorism. Much as the Left claims they're just as "for the troops" as the Right, it does strike one as curious how vehemently they go after "the troops" who guard these "people" at Gitmo. That there have been isolated abuses I do not doubt. (Charles Krauthammer noted the other day that the US Navy, which has authority over Gitmo vis-a-vis the Marines, reported some 24,000 complaints from inmates, only six of which had any validity.) That it is widespread and is a matter of national policy to abuse and torture, I catogorically dispute and dismiss. One must remember that lying about torture and mistreatment is part of the Al Qaeda playbook...literally. Given the choice between the words of our own troops and their commanders versus the ACLU and/or Al Qaeda inmates, I'll take the latter over the former every time, particularly since the ACLU is an organization dedicated, as their founder Roger Baldwin once said,"[To] socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the State itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal." In other words: we're dedicated to undermining and ultimately destroying the United States of America. Incidentally, that quote was from year before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The bogus abuses at Gitmo and the fuss that it has raised is nothing more than another club with which to beat this president, his administration, and the war effort. It is nothing more. Even the head of Amnesty International, who's recent report hyperbolically called Gitmo "the gulag of our time" (?!?) admitted that he couldn't say that these abuses were going on "for sure". (Translation: we made it all up.) The Marines are the most highly trained and disciplined fighting force in all the United States Armed Services. It benefits them not, nor the government that they serve, to perpetrate the kinds of abuses for which they have been accused thus far. That Jimmy Carter has said that Gitmo should be shut down is more the reason to keep it open and functioning. After all, if Jimmy Carter thought that Josip Tito, Nicolae Ceacescu, Erich Honecker, and Fidel Castro were at the vanguard of the international human rights movement, how the hell would he know humanity from brutality?

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