Sunday, July 16, 2006

Who Came First....Ron Burgundy Or Dan Rather?

Dan Rather, obviously. But if you read this article, you get the idea that Will Ferell's Ron Bergundy character in Anchorman was inspired, in no small part, by the likes of Dan Rather. Here's a snippet to whet your whistle (too funny for words):

“Sometimes I’ve had people tell me, ‘Dan, this is not healthy for your career,’” he added. “Well, my answer to that is, to hell with the career. I didn’t get into journalism as a careerist. I’m not going to go out of journalism as a careerist. So yes, I’m biased about doing independent journalism. And you bet I’m prejudiced. I’m prejudiced toward reporters — and America is filled with reporters who want to do the right thing...News, real news, is a wake-up call, not a lullaby. And I’m not in the lullaby business.”

Oooh....Dan. You're so brave, sticking your neck out there all these years! Of course, Rather still claims that the Bush National Guard documents (which were a fraud) haven't been proven to be forgeries, so his hoary pronouncements about his independence and his crusading news style all dovetail nicely into his pompous character.

Read the article. 'Tis a hoot.

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