Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hezbollah, And By Extension Iran and Syria, Are Responsible For EVERY Lebanese Death

The abject cowardice with which the Mohammedan jihadists wage their terror campaign against the Israeli people is a sight to behold. Were it not for the internet, they in all likelihood would win, yet again, the propaganda war against Israel. But times have changed, and technology has caught up with them; stories a compliant, left-wing, anti-Israeli press would suppress can no longer be quashed. This link, complete with pictures, tells the story. The three pictures attached to this story see Hezbollah fighters, dressed not as combatants of any kind, but in casual civilian-wear, and carrying out their operations in residential neighborhoods. Being fully aware that the retribution from the IDF and the IAF will target their position, they seek to maximize the civilian casualty numbers, then play it off as if the Israelis are responsible and are deliberately targeting Lebanese civilians. This couldn't be further from the truth. Additionally, Hezbollah is specifically targeting Israeli civilians with their indiscriminate shelling of Israeli cities. I eschew Nazi comparisons normally, but as someone who happens to know more about Nazis than most, I can tell you that these are Nazi tactics. During the London Blitz, Hitler pounded London for 57 straight nights, even though London had no strategic significance. The operation was strictly to maximize civilian casualty figures and break the morale of the English. However, I can find no trace of Hitler ever preventing German (or French, or Belgian, or any other) civilian populations from getting the hell out of a combat zone in areas that were under German control. The Mohammedans have no such principles.

As for Kofi Annan and his eruption of Jew hatred (claiming that the IDF deliberately killed four U.N. observers in Lebanon), I think it is high-time that Annan:

a.) Apologize to Israel for the slander, and
b.) Resign and retire on his oil-for-food kickbacks.

What Kofi Annan neglected to say was that the U.N. "observers" and Hezbollah have been chummy for a every long time and inhabit the same acreage in Lebanon. No doubt, Hezbollah had to have known that if they shelled Israel from these positions, there was an off chance that the IDF/IAF would strike back at that position. Thus, the best possible outcome occurred:
The Israelis killed four U.N. observers, thus ensuring a PR nightmare for Israel.

Of course, when you see a photo of Annan and Hezbollah leader Nasrallah getting cozy with each other, it all makes sense, doesn't it....

Then there is Iran, who are probably smiling from ear to ear over their proxy army's fight with Israel. This conflagration between Hezbollah and Israel has taken their nuke program off the front pages for the last two weeks. This is no coincidence.

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