Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Beginning Of The End

France's sizeable muslim population, which numbers up to 10% of the total population, is in a state of (near) revolution. Nine straight days of rioting, clashing with police, and acts of arson have paralyzed the country. How strange is it, that France, the paragon of all that American liberals hold dear, with its universal healthcare and its cradle to grave entitlements, would have such a situation on its hands? The "socialist utopia" also has 30% unemployment for citizens under the age of 25, not to mention 11% plus percent unemployment amongst the general populace. Their GDP is virtually non-existent....and yet, given these factors, we have people like Michael Moore and the rest of the limo-libs telling us we should be more like....France. No thanks. I have no interest in living in a nation that enables over 10,000 of its elderly to die of heat exhaustion, as France did in August of 2003.

I'm stating this for the record. France's failure, as well as Western Europe's, to integrate their muslim populations into their culture, and their failure to insist that these peoples adopt some semblance of "French-ness" or "European-ess" will result in more and more situations such as what France is enduring now. And as these riots and murders (remember Theo Van Gogh?) continue to occur, you will see a backlash amongst the indigenous Europeans at the polls. Nationalist candidates, preaching hatred and expulsion, will begin to gain traction politically in Europe. The EU will splinter and die. And people not unlike Hitler (they already exist in the persons of Jorg Haider and Jean Marie Le Pen, in Austria and France respectively) will gain tremendous power, if not total power, over their home countries. A race and religious war between the indigenous Europe and its muslim inhabitants is not out of the question. And it could be bloody.

Don't think it can't happen. People in Germany laughed at Hitler and his goofy little mustache in the 1920's and '30's. But when things went awry, the man they laughed at was the man they turned to. Ditto Mussolini. (Although it is apocryphal that he was democratically elected chancellor. It was actually a coup d'etat; I'll delve into this another time.) Europe has a history of this type of behavior for hundreds, nay, thousands of years. You can look it up.


The Nightwatchman said...

Once again you have it ass backwards, you take the best features of French society and attribute this problem to that, ignoring the real problems that caused this which is the fact that they are oppressed. Their unemployment rate is 30% higher than everyone.

You continue to sit and wonder why - to paraphrase a silly song that misses also misses the point completely - "And they wonder why the maples; Can't be happy in their shade?"

The fact is people are not trees and cannot be divided into neat groups the way trees can, everyone can excel given the chance, it is when one group is not given a chance that violence erupts and really what other response do you expect to oppression?

spitfire said...

Jeez, oppression in France, resulting in 30% unemployment? That's exactly my point. What you didn't address was why. How come France didn't insist, on their entrance, that they adapt to French society? How come France let them set up their own sub-judiciaries? France let them become a state within a state, and an angry one at that. Now they'll pay the price. The US model once again proves superior. The muslim populations here, like every other immigrant group, must make some semblance of an effort to assimilate. Business attire is not up for discussion, nor is language, and there is one law and one constitution. Thus we have less than 5% unemployment in a nation that is ten times the size of France both in land mass and population. We have an economy that has expanded 3% or more over the last ten quarters. And France? Free healthcare, and 10% plus unemployment, and little to no growth. Congratulations. You can get a splinter removed for free, but you can't pay the rent. Some utopia. France is getting what it deserves.