Sunday, November 06, 2005

And The Violence Continues....

Winston Churchill once said that appeasement is the rough equivalent to feeding your friends to the crocodiles in the hopes that you'll be eaten last. In France's case, it looks as though they're about to be eaten first, and boy, did they ever have it coming. But unlike WWII, France is being eaten from the inside by a populace they willingly took in but failed to assimilate for fear of offending their culture. Idiots.

We're now going on day 11 of nationwide violence in France, with the muslim populace now in open revolt. How did this happen? It's a simple equation. France let too many people into their borders but didn't have the wherewithal to absorb them into their society. They couldn't provide jobs for them because they're an anti-free enterprise nation (and thus have a stagnant economy as a result), and they didn't insist that their way of conducting themselves adhere to "French-ness". Once again, multi-culturalism has proven to be an utter failure.

The blunt fact about Europe is this: it isn't rigged for immigration. America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are all immigrant-founded nations. The only thing that binds people in these nations is not ethnicity or religion, but language, and more important than anything else, a belief system founded on Anglo-Saxon premises, which have proven to be more equitable than any in history. It accepts all people of all nations, whatever their religion, race, or language, provided they work hard, speak the language, adhere to and pay deference to the constitutions of said countries.

(Some of the feedback that I've received for my last post had a subtext to it that inferred that I was condemning the premises for the muslim revolt in France. I was not. What I was condemning was the French system, and by extension, the western European systems of socialism. So for the record, I will state in the most economical manner possible why this is happening: socialism begets protectionism, which begets a hostile climate for venture capital and entrepeneurilism, which begets little to no job creation. And it's not just the muslim population that has high unemployment. France has 10% plus unemployment and 30% plus amongst its under 30 population. Combine that with 30% unemployment amongst the muslims, and it is very hard to say there are any "best" parts of France's arrangement.)

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