Wednesday, September 07, 2005

No Traction Whatsoever

Latest poll taken in regards to Katrina by Gallup:

Who's To Blame? (Results)
--No One: 38%
--State/Local Officials: 25%
--Federal Agencies: 18%
--President Bush: 13%

I've stated ad nauseum that the attacks on Bush in regards to this hurricane disaster were patently unfair, obscenely partisan, and just plain wrong. I'll also reiterate for any of those that read this blog what I wrote in an earlier entry: when this whole thing is hashed out, it will be the local and state authorities of New Orleans and Louisiana on the whole, respectively, who are going to take the political beating, for ultimately, under our system of federalism, they're responsible for their own backyard.


JunieRose2005 said...


I absolutely agree with you in regard to the Hurricane situation and where the blame should lie...
and it is NOT, foremost, with our president (as you have said) but more so with the local and state authorities!

I just heard the saddest bit of news...of patients in a nursing home being found drowned in their beds, having been abandoned by their 'Caregivers!'
(I can imagine those people -alone there- as the storm raged and the water rose!) So horrible! Someone should be held accountable for those deaths!

So many things such as this could have been prevented, had morans not been in authority in that city and state!

The picture you posted in another of your blogs, showing, perhaps, dozens of school buses underwater - AFTER the storm - says a lot!


spitfire said...

Those buses calculated to 250 underwater. The president has no legal authority to evacuate people in any city (save Washington DC, which is under federal jurisdiction)unless the governor of that state gives him that authority. 250 buses, 60 people per comes out to 15,000. The governor never gave the president the jurisdiction, and since the buses were in New Olreans, it was incumbent upon the mayor, not the president, to evacuate. This is all coming out of the wash now.