Monday, January 09, 2006


These confirmation hearings, even the edited versions that find their way onto the evening news, are painful to watch. There's nothing more cringe-worthy than watching superannuated drunkard Ted Kennedy pontificating and hectoring a man that is clearly his superior on every level. Then there's the pre-eminent pompous blowhard/plagiarist Joe Biden piping in with his long-winded and inevitably impertinent blather. Then there's Patrick Leahy, the quintessential nancy-boy/pain-in-the-ass weighing in. But the guy that takes the cake is Chuck Schumer. Ugh....pejoritive adjectives cannot describe or do justice to what an execrable presence this guy is. Makes me long for the days of Senator D'amato. Alphonse may have been corrupt, but at least he didn't come off like the human incarnation of a ferret. (Come to think of it, isn't Chuck Schumer's staff under investigation for attempting to gain access to the credit report of Lt. Governor Michael Steele (Md.)? Steele, by the way, is black, which certainly goes a long way in explaining why Chuckie's minions went on a mission to destroy him. (Nothing more offensive to a liberal than a black Republican! Diversity of opinion isn't for minorities, you know....))

I usually attempt to remain somewhat erudite and reasoned with these posts, but these Democratic senators on the Judicial Committee are too much.

All right. Enough mud thrown.

1 comment:

The Nightwatchman said...

I couldn't agree with you more about Schumer. . .