Saturday, March 05, 2005

I'm Starting To Think He's Completely Hopeless

“Iran is the only country in the world that has now had six elections since the first election of President Khatami (in 1997). (It is) the only one with elections, including the United States, including Israel, including you name it, where the liberals, or the progressives, have won two-thirds to 70 percent of the vote in six elections: Two for president; two for the Parliament, the Majlis; two for the mayoralties. In every single election, the guys I identify with got two-thirds to 70 percent of the vote. There is no other country in the world I can say that about, certainly not my own.”

--Former President Bill Clinton, last month in Davos, Switzerland

For all the talk about how intelligent and insightful Bill Clinton is, he's made statements in the last few years that really make me question, if not his intelligence, his sanity. Clearly Clinton either isn't aware or doesn't care that Iran is the single-most repressive regime, short of (perhaps) North Korea, in the world. And yet Clinton provides the ruling theocratic government with such a juicy piece of propoganda that it is sure to demoralize even the most virulent dissident of the regime. Nice job, Bill. Deprived of the filters that the presidency bestowed upon him, Clinton unfiltered clearly has no idea what he's talking about, has no idea the negative impact of his pronouncements throughout the Islamic world, or doesn't care. Whatever the case, his endorsement of the ruling tyrannical Iranian regime undermines whatever nascent democratic movement that presently exists behind the lines in Iran. I'm sure Hezbollah is pretty happy about it, though. And the Left has the temerity to rip on Bush for his malapropisms? Stalinist USSR used to have frequent elections too, Bill. Didn't make it a democracy, you f***king moron.

Rhodes scholarship obviously doesn't give one common sense, does it. ( doesn't.)

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