Thursday, January 27, 2005


Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?

I pulled this from the website. I think it's funny, but not for the reasons that he does. Liberals seem to want the Bush Adminstration to admit their horrible sins, get down on their knees, and beg forgiveness. You see, that's what liberals do, not conservatives. Witness Clinton going around the last two years of tenure apologizing for slavery in Uganda (slavery in North America did not derive from Uganda, but rather from what is now Ghana, but I guess that never entered into the equation), apologizing for not stopping the Rwandan genocide in '94 (and what of the UN?), apologizing for US support of tin-pot dictators throughout the Cold War that were anti-communists. (Why apologize for that? I didn't hear the Russians apologize for Daniel Ortega or Pol Pot...) Now I have no truck with Clinton. I rather like the guy. But the US didn't get to be the pre-eminent power of the universe by means of piety. There are times when national apologies are right, like when Reagan apologized to the Japanese-American citizens of the US for their internments during the Second World War. But a president of the US shouldn't have to apologize for making tough choices when US prestige, much less safety, is on the line. Allied bombers laid waste of the entire French coastline prior to D-Day, and many civilian lives were lost. But we don't owe the French an apology.

Current US policy in regards to the War on Terror isn't something Bush needs to apologize for. History will judge whether this administration blundered in its prosecution of this war or whether the strategem was masterful.


The Nightwatchman said...

The reason the joke is funny is because it has become downright comical how the Bush administration uses lies and misdirection to change the focus. No matter what happens from this point on (and yes me and a lot of my "liberal brethren" are rooting for democracy in Iraq) it is clear that the Bush administration was deceptive about this war, the way they went about it and most of all the reasons behind it. . .

spitfire said...

Bad intelligence doesn't mean "Bush lied!" As I've stated in the past, it wasn't just the CIA that claimed WMDs existed. It was Jordanian intelligence, German intelligence, Israeli intelligence, French intelligence, and British intelligence, not mention many, many voices in the prior administration AND many prominent members of the "loyal" opposition. Given six months to get out of the way of the first thrown punch of the US military, clearly Saddam Hussein dodged the telegraphed haymaker. Given the choice between trusting the words of an American president or a tin-pot middle eastern dictator, I'll take the former over the latter, be he Clinton or Bush.