Sunday, January 16, 2005

Behind My "Nom de Cyber"

I've been posting fairly regularly all over the internet, specifically Craig's List's political page (a place where I'm particularly loathed, I'm proud to say) for quite some time. The prospect of starting a blog has been floating 'round my head for quite some time, as a very good friend of mine, "Moses Aton" (his nom de cyber; his page can be found at has been posting for approximately a year and has provided me with a small impetus to do the same. That said, I've also been resisting due to time contraints, among other reasons. However, I've finally "given in".

The titling of this blog refers to two planes during the Second World War that had more to do with stopping the German invasion of Great Britain more than any other factor: The Suupermarine Spitfire fighter aircraft, and the Hawker Hurricane. The Spits usually get talked about more than the Hurricanes since their main usage was to go head-to-head with the German Me-109 and 110 fighters, as opposed to the Hurricanes, which were used to take out the German bombers, typically Heinkel He-111 twin-engine. In the end, it all has to do with an unquenched enthusiasm and hero worship of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a man so flawed and so wrong about so much, but so right about the one BIG thing: the rise of Hitlerite Germany, and the militaristic ambitions of the Germans throughout the 30's. Marginalized in the 30's, Churchill was a modern-day Cassandra, and in the end, the world (and specifically Britain) paid dearly. But at the end of the day, despite (by 1940) the whole of the European continent being taken over by the Germans, Great Britain held out...and Churchill was the reason why. Despite overwhelming pressure to make peace with the Germans and "give them their due", Churchill banished all talk. "Wars are not won by evacuation; they are won by blood, toil, tears, and sweat!" The rest is history. It is often said that there are two types of leaders, the fox and the hedgehog. The fox knows a little about alot of things, but the hedgehog knows one BIG thing. Churchill, like Reagan after him, was a hedgehog. And he altered history forever. And the Spitfire and the Hurricane were but a few tools he used to do it.

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