Friday, May 06, 2005

666....No Longer The Number Of The Beast

So says this article from the London Independent. The implications of this discovery are far and wide, not the least of which start with Damien: The Omen, Iron Maiden's classic "666...The Number of the Beast", thousands upon thousands of people who have "666" tattooed to their bodies, and who knows who else.

Then again, maybe pop culture will just override this new discovery and continue to refer to 666 as The Number of the Beast, even when it really isn't anymore. The best analogy I can draw is Bunker Hill in Boston. It's actually Breed's Hill, but no one really cared enough to correct the factually inaccurate name for the hill in which the eponymous battle was fought on.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, carries the area code 616, the newly discovered "real" number of the beast. No word yet on how these good people feel about it.

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