Friday, June 09, 2006

Brit Hume and Fred Barnes on Zarqawi's Termination

BARNES: I think -- I agree with Mort on that 100 percent, they do need to do that. Really -- a mount a real counterinsurgency it might cause more American casualty, but it's the thing to do.

Now, what was Zarqawi's main goal in Iraq? It was to get the U.S. out. So now we have people saying, oh, Zarqawi's dead, let's start bringing our troops home. I mean, that's what he was for, that's because he knew with the American troops gone, or as John Murtha says, you know, immediate withdrawal, which Nancy Pelosi also endorsed, that that would allow the insurgency to be permanent. Now, also -- I forget which democrat, Brit, maybe you can tell me, said, well, we didn't need our troops there to do this attack, we could have...

HUME: Barbara Boxer.

BARNES: Well, she must not have seen what General Caldwell said. He said it was a painstaking mission. It took weeks for us to find out exactly where he was, and to make sure it was correct and everything, dealing with all kinds of Iraqis, getting a tip, and doing all this. You couldn't do that if you were in Kuwait.


HUME: Well, they also probably couldn't have carried out these 17 other operations.

BARNES: Well of course you couldn't. These people are just plain wrong and they're stupid in saying these things. I mean, I mean, don't they stop and think? Don't they think through what's going on? It's a war. You know, you wonder where these ideas come from. Maybe it's just their anti-Bush feelings, but they're -- I mean, you jump to the conclusion that Zarqawi's dead, now let's do what he wanted us to do? That's crazy.

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