Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Sure, I have quite a bit of experience with it. I've had great times and lousy times whilst under the influence of it. But in the end, I've drawn a few rock-solid conclusions about it:

a.) It'll wreck the following day, perhaps days, as you recover. Since we all only have a limited amount of time on this earth and even less beautiful days in which to enjoy them, it makes little sense spending those beautiful, shiny spring days on the couch or in front of a toilet wretching. Life is challenging enough. Why go out of one's way to destroy a beautiful day? But then, we don't really think about these things the night before, do we....

b.) Fights, arguments, rude comments, and generally execrable behavior all have a tendency of occuring whilst under the influence of booze, at least in my experience. I'd like to think I exhibit none of these tendencies sober( save arguments, but they're usually of a political nature, and I'm tiring of those as well). Again, why booze when this is what comes out? (I keep asking myself that question....)

I've written about the adventures of Porno-Boy in this space fairly extensively. I may or may not continue to do so. What I haven't stated in this space about him is the fact that he has been, for all intents and purposes, excommunicated from both my life, as well as everyone else who know him. He's not a bad person by nature, but he's a drunk. And with being a drunk comes rude behavior, flakiness, welshing on loans, and a propensity to get into life-and/or-limb threatening situations while in his company. Every punch up that I've gotten into or almost got into occured in a bar or a club while under the influence. There aren't too many things I enjoy more than passing a moment with a drink and a friend while engaged in some meaty conversation. But boozing for the sake of getting lit disgusts me at this point. This post is probably more for my benefit that the readers', but I felt it was necessary to put it up anyway. It might provoke some thoughts.

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